Thursday, 7 March 2013

Cassava chips ogled National And International Markets

As one kind of snack, cassava chips are so popular with the public. Although currently have a variety of snacks on the market, but snacks made from cassava raw material is cut thin is still to be excellent for the community. Naturally there when today many people are interested in lifting cassava chips as a promising business opportunity.

Not only target consumers in the local market, it is the business of cassava chips began targeting the national and international markets. One of them just like Remmy Dodo Jandelli and uyun Dwi Saputra, two students from Jambi, which began offering the brand Saiyo cassava chips to the outside area of ​​Jambi. Seeing a pretty tight market competition in his homeland, two young entrepreneurs decided to market its products to other regions.

Took two resellers of Jambi, chips Saiyo began targeting markets outside the region to increase its sales turnover. For all shipments, Remmy and uyun can penetrate 300 packs per week with a selling price of about Rp 7000.00 per pack. Within a month at least he can send up to four times the shipping, do not be surprised if he can bring in monthly turnover of up to USD 3.5 million.

Besides cassava chips made ​​Remmy and uyun, there is also production of cassava chips North Sumatra proven consumer demand in the State Ginseng (South Korea). Carrying the Creator Lutvi cassava chips as the brand product, every two weeks the producer is M. Muhdi can export cassava chips at least one container to South Korea. Each container contains 2566 boxes cassava chips of different flavors and each box contains 2.6 kg.
Tingginya loyalitas konsumen di Korea Selatan tentunya tidak terlepas dari konsistensi Muhdi dalam menjaga kualitas dan cita rasa keripik singkong yang diproduksinya. Ia mengaku selama ini menerapkan 3M yaitu mutu, mudah, dan murah dalam menjalankan bisnisnya. Dari prinsip tersebut Ia berusaha untuk selalu menjaga mutu produk, memastikan bila produknya mudah dicari para konsumen, dan harganya cukup bersaing dengan produk serupa di pasaran.
Kesuksesan para pelaku bisnis keripik singkong di atas, tentunya memberikan bukti nyata bagi kita semua bahwasannya sekarang ini peluang bisnis keripik singkong masih terbuka lebar dan menjanjikan keuntungan cukup besar setiap bulan. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Mulailah dari sekarang dan nikmati sensasi keuntungan bisnis keripik singkong yang pastinya tak kalah nendang.
 Hopefully business news raised cassava chips capture national and international markets can provide benefits to the readers and inspire all people of Indonesia to immediately jump in the corporate world. Indonesian SMEs went ahead and greetings success!

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