Tuesday, 5 February 2013


Emotions determine the quality of life of people so relita that has been happening, keuatan born of human emotions' ungkpan ancient Lati vicit amor omnia, which means `'emotional love conquers everything' ternyat still valid today not only allows us to climb the mountain and across the ocean, the emotion of love (and other emotions) are also able to make us work beyond limits that we are aware of these wonderful words that were never spoken wisely by albert Eistein, a Nobel Prize winning physicist who never reflect human emotions and sepiritualitas exactly as follows: "The finest emotion of roomates we ere is capable thr mystic emotion. herein lies the germ of all art and all true science. Anyone to Whom this feeling is alien, who is no longer capable of wonderment and lives in a state of fear is a dead man. To know that what is Impenetrable for us really exist and manifests it self as thr highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, Whose gross forms alone are intelligible to our poor faculties - this knowledge, this feeling ...... that is the core of the true religious sentiment. In the sense, and in this sense alone, I rank myself amoung profoundly religious men. " (Emotion best we can have is the mystical emotions (divine). Herein lies the basis of all art and science. Whoever alienated from these feelings, which no longer measakandan always in fear, is a man who has died. Understanding the existence of something that can not be entirely understood, but it always reveals itself in the form of wisdom and beauty, the original form itself is very smart for our limited kecerdassan - our knowledge, our feeling is ...... is the basis of touch (sentiment) religious importance. If only this measure is used as a criterion, I can call myself a religious person). later Einstein adds exactly he said in a statement, "the real problem is the hearts and minds of men. It is Easier t denature plutonium than to denature the evil spirit of man." (pronlem terbersar man lies the heart and mind. Younger disguised destroy properties in humans. argument that motivated the birth of the concept base EQM is the criticism of experts including jhon mayer, the term EQ pencentus golemen about the lack of discussion about emotions. golemen the first book contains many stories reporting associated with human emotion, but it does not show how the processes and dynamics of human emotions itself is behind the various stories. Golemen tend to follow the flow of behaviorism is more concerned with behavioral manifestations, discussing the emotional element of the underlying story - story conveys. No wonder so many people who think Daniel golemen too mensimplifikasikan concept of emotional intelligence itself, so that the theory becomes synonymous with social skills or interpersonal skills. other main characteristics that distinguish EQM with regular EQ is pemetaanya. If EQ tend to use the term " quotient "which implies that EQ is an area that can be measured, then the EQM, the term" quotient "alone is not considered adequate. primary reason is, if the aspect of measuring or testing emphasized the EQ only generate scoring - scoring that can be misleading, for example EQ score of 120 or a score of 200 EQ score only to labeling and judgment (EQ is high or low), without giving further details. Moreover, sekor does not provide direction on the development of the Hattush do next. More extreme, esther orioli, CEO and founder of Q-metrics say: EQ testing is misleading because it does not provide guidance on where the real shortage lies that must be followed. fact, it was clear to us that humans are able to develop EQ, because that EQM is more directed to the concept of 'mapping' of the ' test '. matters further, what is known is not always the same as what is shown. example, one could say that he had to be honest, but it's not necessarily situnjukan in action. therefore, in the model EQM, use' qoution ' will be replaced by the term 'qulity' better describes the reality of the real.

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